Infinigeist Cloak
Usually, I'd save MSN convos for my MSN convoblog, but these are fun.
There's something about the name Infinigeist that messes with people's maps.
Right after Ken and Tracy's wedding ceremony, I hopped online at home. I saw Tenille online, whom I had just seen an hour before. She was in a wheelchair. She's got some broken ankle action, and on her way to the ceremony she fell down her stairs and fucked up her good ankle. Poor Tenille just getting worked as it is. Then she tells me this:
My good friend, Ian, was online tonight. His MSN subtitle read:
"Are you in love, or are you just bored? Do the quiz on page 10"
There's something about the name Infinigeist that messes with people's maps.
Right after Ken and Tracy's wedding ceremony, I hopped online at home. I saw Tenille online, whom I had just seen an hour before. She was in a wheelchair. She's got some broken ankle action, and on her way to the ceremony she fell down her stairs and fucked up her good ankle. Poor Tenille just getting worked as it is. Then she tells me this:
uglyBITCH says:
i fell dowbn the stairs at my aprtment
Infinigeist says:
wtf tenille
uglyBITCH says:
no i fell down.
Infinigeist says:
sweet jesus!!
uglyBITCH says:
hasn't happened like that yet
Infinigeist says:
are you oK?
uglyBITCH says:
fucked up my good ankle
not to bad
Infinigeist says:
uglyBITCH says:
that was one my way to the wedding...
dont pretend. i know your laughing
Infinigeist says:
you already hurt your goodankle once today before this
Infinigeist says:
im not
i mean
i am now that you accused me
uglyBITCH says:
i ment to tell you on the phone
i was in heels. thats why
Infinigeist says:
what was one way to the wedding?
uglyBITCH says:
for the first time
Infinigeist says:
you need a ride or somehthing?
Infinigeist says:
oh waitr
i get it now
uglyBITCH says:
no im at the parents house
we have a wheelchair
we got it a few days ago
Infinigeist says:
Infinigeist says:
so to clarify, you fell twice today?
hurting your good ankle both times?
uglyBITCH says:
fell once...
Infinigeist says:
jesus tenille
Infinigeist says:
i already saw you today
like an hour ago
did you suffer concussion too?
uglyBITCH says:
holy fuck!!!
uglyBITCH says:
Infinigeist says:
uglyBITCH says:
i thought i have been talking to someone else this whole time`
uglyBITCH says:
Infinigeist says:
uglyBITCH says:
Infinigeist says:
Infinigeist says:
NOW i'm laughing
fuxxakes this was the best convo EVER!!
uglyBITCH says:
i suck
Infinigeist says:
this is where I should have friggin clued inuglyBITCH says:
i ment to tell you on the phone
uglyBITCH says:
that was funny
uglyBITCH says:
hehehe i jsut told dennon
Infinigeist says:
from now on, all convos start with HI i'm patrick!!
uglyBITCH says:
your funnt
im stupid
uglyBITCH says:
i cant beleive i just did that
k m gong now
Infinigeist says:
uglyBITCH says:
ill see you at the resception
Infinigeist says:
k tens
yes u will
uglyBITCH says:
and i wont tell ou again
Infinigeist says:
why not?
so much fun!
uglyBITCH says:
My good friend, Ian, was online tonight. His MSN subtitle read:
"Are you in love, or are you just bored? Do the quiz on page 10"
Infinigeist says:
page 10 me baby!
Happy Geek says:
I'm just writing it, its getting funny
Happy Geek says:
I don't think you'd find it interesting though.
I already know that your in love
Infinigeist says:
well then there's NotHiNg eLsE to say
Happy Geek says:
Sorry, just preoccupied
Love ya lots!!
Infinigeist says:
ruv u 2 shaggy!
Happy Geek says:
um yes?
Infinigeist says:
you know, Ian...
Infinigeist says:
if things are ever bothering you, I'll kill you
Happy Geek says:
Infinigeist says:
oops - i meant, you can talk to me
Happy Geek says:
Happy Geek says:
Thank, they are
Happy Geek says:
but its ok
Happy Geek says:
thanks anyway
Infinigeist says:
well anytime buddy
Infinigeist says:
sorry about the other comment
wrong chat
Happy Geek says:
thats ok
Infinigeist says:
i've been playing world of warcrack - i have a character named federer and everytime i enter a new radio zone I transmit "play tennis"
Happy Geek says:
Infinigeist says:
then i make up fictitious items and say "WTS frozen pony" or "WTB enchanted chimney brick"
Happy Geek says:
Infinigeist says:
quite the game i tell ya
Happy Geek says:
You crazy
Infinigeist says:
its dubbed warcrack for a reason
Happy Geek says:
You like tennis?
Infinigeist says:
my gf hates it fashionably
Infinigeist says:
Infinigeist says:
Happy Geek says:
Infinigeist says:
keyboard cut out
Happy Geek says:
Infinigeist says:
furshure i do
Happy Geek says:
This is shawn?
Infinigeist says:
i hope you aren't shawn
Happy Geek says:
Oh crap its you
Happy Geek says:
Happy Geek says:
Holy shit
Infinigeist says:
Infinigeist says:
what just happened?
Happy Geek says:
fuck man I'm losing it
Infinigeist says:
fruity loops.
Good to hear!
I thought of you when I posted these ;)
you never talk to me like that ;(
i see how it is.
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