"Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You remain
responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."
-- Antoine de Saint Exupery
responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."
-- Antoine de Saint Exupery
Life is your one chance to prove something.
Not proving anything is proof of something.
I tamed a bird once,and it lived in the Christmas tree, and would perch on my book while I was reading for the whole reading time but on Christmas night someone left a half full glass of coke on the table and the birdie fell in and drowned in coke..
I'm not a good and responsible tamer :(
OMG!! Poor birdy! Birdy had it good before then though, right? And that's what counts ;)
What about the ones we accumulate, but just can't seem 2 tame?
There is truth in this, I took a baby snapping turtle someone found in the city. I was going to turn him loose in a friends pond. But, my friend said "no", so now I am stuck feeding this turtle crickets-he has an enormous appitite!
keep the turtle! crickets are cheaper than rodents! love the turtle. he is yours now. and the people out there are yours now too. sorry, undertow flashback! yay!
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