September 11, 2006

Goodbye little one.

I'll never forget my young lil mouse when I brought her back from Kelowna as a present for Freddy. Such a skittish little thing, and yet very curious. She was an albino, so her eyes were red. I think because of this lack of pigment she had vision issues. She used to move her head slowly from side to side when she'd look at something.

I named her Fiona. She was such a good mommy, and had many babies. All the babies she had were black, further cluing me into her being an albino.

This rare little gem passed away today in my hands after I tried warming her cold body for a couple hours. The last thing she did was nuzzle into my neck...

I miss you so much my lil mousy.
I can't believe you're gone :'(
But I'm really happy you were here for a lil while.
Godspeed Fiona, and give my love to Freddy.


Blogger Tammy said...

I am sorry for your loss:( I hope they are happy in mousy heaven!

11/9/06 19:24  
Blogger Infinigeist said...

me too. I'm sure they're all eating heaps of cheese and chewing up cardboard skyscrapers :D

13/9/06 11:03  
Blogger andrea said...

aww.. poor little mousy :( sorry patrick

14/9/06 12:10  
Blogger Jon Thomsen said...

People don't realize the bond someone can have to an animal. Animals are intelligent creatures who deserve our respect.

Sorry for your loss bro.

2/10/06 16:35  

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