December 18, 2006

Creation VS Evolution

Some people will find the following very convincing. Others will find it humorous, or maybe just sad. After 15 minutes of this 2 hour program, you'll have a pretty good idea of how you find it...

"Evolution is stupid"

You ever notice how quickly people rule something out as being untrue with nothing more than the expression of their ignorance? "I don't get it"


Blogger starbender said...

oh, sorry! I tried to watch--but that is just too long! Maybe latter-when I have more time.

I want to wish U the best for the Upcoming Holidays. May U'r Christmas be great, and U'r New Years--Even Better!

: )

22/12/06 03:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So are you a Creationist or an Evolutionist?

P.S. Merry Christmas

25/12/06 21:52  
Blogger Infinigeist said...

I'm both Tammy. I believe that our creator chose evolution as an unfolding to our story. There's no reason there can't be a God and 4.5 billion years of evolution. Many of the die hard creationists are very stuck on the idea of creation happening some ~4000 years ago because of a book that was meant to be an inspirational guide, not a historical account.

I personally have only watched the first 15 minutes of this movie before I decided I would strangle the man giving the presentation in order to remove a threat to the rest of humanity lol.

It's also kind of funny to note, that the guy and his wife were recently convicted of some 58 tax crimes earning them almost 300 years in jail lol. Also, his degree isn't real as far as doctorate degrees go. Check out Wikipedia's entry on him: Kent Hovind

26/12/06 00:23  
Blogger Infinigeist said...

PS Merry Christmas to you too :D

26/12/06 00:24  

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