February 03, 2007

habby's lil bro

sent me this link

isn't he nice?

What would one of Patrick's posts be without some ripped off images?

I found an artist's site when I googled "fuck all" and selected images..

This costs $195:

Isn't that pretty? For less than $200... Not bad for a piece of art from someone who works for Heavy Metal.

This costs $1,495:


i'm an oblong californian orange who rolled out of the crate by accident when they were loading the truck and now I'm on a quest to find my family who I don't know has already been eaten in somewhere in canada

but i keep on rollin rollin rollin

hence the oblongness

oranges are good for your body and mind
not like carpet fluff which is pretty much useless to both


Blogger dustix said...


4/2/07 09:31  
Blogger Dano said...

Love the song, thanks Habby's bro and Patrick, and Dustix's Shuttlecock!

8/2/07 15:44  
Blogger Unknown said...

You googled F/All? lol. That second image is a shocker, if I have a nightmare i'll know who to thank. :/

9/2/07 16:15  
Blogger Infinigeist said...

Yeah, Carmel, lol. I have no idea why I did that search. I just kind of watched myself typing it in.

So is Dano the only one who actually listened to that song? Looks like I should've went with the separate post. Which, incidentally, is what I shall do now. If you read the post and there's nothing about a song, check the next post on the blog :D

10/2/07 15:48  
Blogger Ken said...

That one is called steely dan 3. She can bend lead pipes with her crotch.

15/2/07 07:38  

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