The Ball
You can start the ball rolling
With all the purpose and determination in the world
But if you don't keep it rolling, it stops. No matter how much you WANT it to keep rolling it won't move once it stops if you don't DO anything.
At first the protest from the ball is vigorous. "Roll me!"
If the ball isn't rolled, over time, the ball loses hope. The plea to be rolled becomes weary in the ball's throat. Why the ball was ever rolled in the first place loses focus in the ball's mind.
A rolling stone gathers no moss, and this holds true for the ball as well.
Eventually the stopped ball is covered with the ground it rests on, and becomes part of the ground. No ball. Just a bump for other balls to roll over...

With all the purpose and determination in the world
But if you don't keep it rolling, it stops. No matter how much you WANT it to keep rolling it won't move once it stops if you don't DO anything.
At first the protest from the ball is vigorous. "Roll me!"
If the ball isn't rolled, over time, the ball loses hope. The plea to be rolled becomes weary in the ball's throat. Why the ball was ever rolled in the first place loses focus in the ball's mind.
A rolling stone gathers no moss, and this holds true for the ball as well.
Eventually the stopped ball is covered with the ground it rests on, and becomes part of the ground. No ball. Just a bump for other balls to roll over...

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Never was there a truer blog entry. I love it when my balls are rolled and it's true that the protest from my balls is vigorous: "Roll Me!"
But, yes, my balls have lost hope.
Thanks for saying what I've always felt.
Don't worry Jonix, we'll roll balls through the air soon. We'll roll them with Dustix and Jesse (who hits non stop homeruns. Wrong sport, but still glorious)
Which reminds me, time to order a ball hopper. Fuck, of all the things to remind me. This might have all been an elaborate ploy staged by my mind to ensure I'd order it. Tennis is on at 8:30 tonight.
I hope you enjoy tennis tonight. Isn't there some law of physics about inertia... that things have to keep moving because well.. they just have to? I don't pretend to know anything about physics, but I know a few things about eating waffles with whip cream and strawberries real slow that I can still taste them. I haven't had waffles like that since before the holidays. My mouth waters just thinking about those waffles. Seriously though, I know nothing about physics.
ActuALLY I did not enjoy tennis last night. It was watching tennis that I learned of Roger Federer's defeat at the hands of Guillermo Canas, thus ending Roger's 41 match win streak. Roger was making huge amounts of errors. Canas didn't beat Roger, he beat himself. Oh Well.. even the mighty Roger can have a shit day.
That's part of being human, sweetie. mwah!
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