June 03, 2007

Holy facebook

I can't believe the people I've been able to find through facebook.com in just 3 days. So many people who moved away and I lost touch with, seemingly permanently... just a search away. People from highschool where the prevaling in thing at the time was being cool and making sure everyone knew it now all grown up and pursuing careers and families and sharing their experiences with people who'd have never guessed they'd be associating in some distant future. It's pretty amazing. I suggest if you haven't tried it to give it a whirl. Even if you use an alias just to search the database, you may be very surprised by the results you get.

I'm in the Kelowna BC network. I'm done raving. Now I have to figure out new travel plans for the summer so I can see some of these people who I haven't seen in over 10 years?!

Oh speaking of which, I'm taking off to the Vancouver area from the 20th to the 24th. Going to visit Grandma and Habby and various other people. Maybe I'll visit Jonix just before I leave so I can fuck up his racquet hand so he doesn't play tennis without me...

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Blogger Tammy said...

you are gonna be gone the same time Robin is there!!!!

17/6/07 15:18  

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