May 30, 2007

Every now and then

The truth of who I am
the structure of identity
is transient

aren't you?

i mean

isn't yours?

i mean

what are you?

i mean

what are you to me?

Why maintain a balance when tipping the scales in favor of the positive should surely dump one in a vat of bliss, ness pah?
keska say?
I arrived at a conclusion today.
Conclusions are a good place to end things.
Things like, lines of thought.
You could end a line of thought anywhere, and I suppose you could continue a line of thought past it's natural conclusion as well.

But I can't continue a piece of bacon past it's natural conclusion. Disintegration in the jaws of the bacon-crusher.

So much harder to gauge the intangibles than to gauge something like a piece of bacon..

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Blogger Speed Seeker said...


30/5/07 15:43  
Blogger Infinigeist said...

bacon is a goodness

30/5/07 23:16  

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