November 24, 2006


I let one thumbnail grow a little longer so I have an easier time peeling oranges and opening swiss army knives.

For this reason, I don't think I'd ever put my right hand in a dolphin's mouth. I eat tuna with that hand too, and as we all know, they killed flipper.


I let one thumbnail grow a little longer so I have an easier time peeling oranges and opening swiss army knives.

For this reason, I don't think I'd ever put my right hand in a dolphin's mouth. I eat tuna with that hand too, and as we all know, they killed flipper.

November 14, 2006

martial art

I imagine this to be the type of picture that could seriously threaten someone's peace of mind..

I laughed so hard

November 04, 2006


Some of you read,
but don't play along.
I come back and see
hits like a song

but the song has no words
no nouns and no verbs
No people no nerve
I just want some verve

I want you to play with me.
Be here and be free.
Nothing to lose and all there is to gain,
Type a few lines, please don't refrain.

Adam Sandler says "Shoot it all over me!"

What is my next post about? Canadians who say "aboot"? The death penalty for impaired driving (impaired by my reckoning and nobody else's). How about pipe dreams?

I'd eat a taco.
I'd ski down a hill.
I'd shoot a gun.
I'd buy a poppy.
Fuck there's tons of shit about me...
What about you to me?

November 02, 2006

Back when I was me I said something like...

No matter how disagreeable we find *how* someone says something, it does not excuse us from examining the merit of *what* is said before we address such content intelligently.

I think it's particularly bad form to make any claims about an opponent's state of mind or intellectual inventory.
Such things are already evident, should they exist, and giving voice to the observation only reveals a shortcoming on the observer's end.


New Lady Scam Going Around

What is...

What is the most exciting thing you can imagine?

Attuned Dampener

You could learn the details
of every path to come
long before you go there

You can perfect yourself
in retrospect
no reason life won't get better

The future you choose
a frozen past long past due
centered in dizzy nowness

Life's whimsy fade
some sort of chewy haze
drawing life to refrain

never supporting or obstructing
freedom and challenge elude us
all or nothing or both