We pull up to this large, white house. I have no idea why we're there, or where we are.

I go into the front door of the house with 2 other people. There's this kind of patio entry up to the front door. All around the front door is a glass wall and we can see into the foyer. I have no idea why we're there. The door opens for us and we walk in. There's four panels on the wall. Each one is square and they all have some amount of bright neon green in them. I can't make out anything else in the painting except for these random blotches of green.
I understand suddenly we're here to steal and I want no part of it. My escape urge is reckless, and I make a lot of noise fleeing the foyer. I could care less about my accomplices who've obviously tricked me into being their getaway driver.
My escape noise alerts someone in the house and they start to come out the balcony door, up and to the right from the foyer. By this point I've already got my car door open and I'm getting in just as the door opens. I look up at the balcony, through my tinted windows, and I see my friend Robin's Dad, Art, is the one who came to look outside. I can't fuckin' believe this shit.
I'm suddenly faced with a dilemma and I sit behind the wheel, thinking, with my door open. Just then, one of my accomplices jumps in the passenger seat, arms full of stuff, and quite obviously panicked. Art's not on the balcony anymore, and I don't think he saw me before I got into the car...
I jump out of the car and I'm running down the embankment towards some back yards of other houses. I'll tell the cops the car was stolen from me earlier, and with nobody out looking about, nobody will really think anything of me jogging through their neighbourhood. When did I figure this out? Did I know back when I was jumping out of the car?One of the guys who was there to steal was running away with me though. I was freaked out cuz I wanted them to get caught and I wanted to get away without anyone ever seeing us together. I told him to scram and for some reason, it worked instantly.
Now I'm running up to a busy road with fast traffic. I can control time. Time has slowed in my environment, but I'm moving normally. I step onto the front of the car and jump up just as time around me resumes and I soar into the air. Suddenly all thoughts of my getaway vanish as I'm suddenly obsessed with the art of chronologically-altered vehicular-springboarding. I just keep jumping off cars, but my control of time starts to slip. I see a train speeding by and I can't figure out how to launch off the cars since they have nothing to step up on and I can't seem to slow the train down long enough to penetrate it's blurry perimeter.
