Step 1: Controlling your urge.

Labels: lawl
Life is your one chance to prove something.
Not proving anything is proof of something.
Labels: infinigeist
Patrick is says:
hey do you wanna play rock paper scissors over email?
Patrick is says:
you can say no...
Stephanie.... says:
Patrick is says:
ok so we both right click each others names and go to send an email
then type what you're picking
then we'll have a countdown to send and see who wins?
Patrick is says:
i'm all ready
i have mine picked out
Stephanie.... says:
right cLick on your name where
Patrick is says:
in the msn list
pick send other and then email
Patrick is says:
that opens the window
with my addy already listed
Stephanie.... says:
Patrick is says:
you ready?
Stephanie.... says:
Patrick is says:
i'll say 3 you say 2 and we both say 1 and hit send
Patrick is says:
Stephanie.... says:
Patrick is says:
Stephanie.... says:
[emails are sent - i send scissors]
Patrick is says:
oh boy!
Patrick is says:
i wonder if anyone's ever done this before?
[email arrives]
Stephanie.... says:
Patrick is says:
oh snap i got ya!
Stephanie.... says:
you win
Patrick is says:
Stephanie.... says:
no i havent
Patrick is says:
i sure never have
Stephanie.... says:
you seriously just did this??
Patrick is says:
now for the first time ever
Stephanie.... says:
Labels: entertainment
Labels: madness
Labels: infinigeist, tennis
Labels: hayt
Labels: god, the questions