March 25, 2006

Thanx for this Matt :D

March 23, 2006


Remember the female lead from Nightmare Before Christmas?

ABout a week or two ago, I went to Super Save Gas with Dano.

Last fuckin' time ever. To find her working there.. gads. To have small-talked my way through the transaction, even gadser.

Nightmarish, garish, hideous: words that fall short of serving.

Shoulder-checking runner, make me laugh - make me want to throw up. Keep your eyes on the road.

Calling me back then, hopin'

Why was I so gentle? Like, dealing with a mental patient. "It's not her fault. She can't help it." So evil with my self-righteous sympathy. I say "fuck you" with smiles.

Don't call us, we'll call you.

We aren't calling you.

You're reading this thinking I'll change one day.

It's your curse. To be trapped in that place right before the recognition of your failure.

How is it that I am simultaneously delighted and dismayed.

Follow your bliss, and realise I'm not it.

My bliss is still hating you.

March 22, 2006

"We" Were Out For Blood.

Our workplace has two floors: a main floor and a mezzanine. I work on the mezzanine. My departmental division occupies the entire mezzanine while another departmental division occupies the main floor below us. There's a big walkway overlooking the main floor.

Someone decided our two departments would go to war. Truly, one of the saddest tragedies is mankind's warlike nature and ambition to kill. The only thing sadder, is when an attack has no capcity to kill.

Being on the top floor, it was decided the best attack would be one of bombardment. Nearly a hundred projectiles were launched onto the unsuspecting victims below. What were the projectiles, you ask?

Balloons. Simple, air-filled balloons.

I sat in my cubicle watching the others lob their balloons over the edge while I cried from the lameness of it all.


Me: They say don't be all prayer hatin', But I'ma do it anyway.

Jesse: Don't be disrespectin' my religion.

Me: You don't have a religion.

Jesse: I'm jewish

Me: That's not a religion

**Jesse's eyes look away and back again**

Jesse: I'm Catholic

March 18, 2006

Yesterday Was St Patrick's Day

I'm still alive on Earth. I haven't read a blog in weeks it seems, nor have I written anything really. Did I put a few posts on Pwn Starz? I don't even remember..

I know for some of you there is disappointment when you come here and nothing's happened - I still love you - I think of 2007 and the possibility that I'll run a daily blog again. I imagine some may have even imagined a St Patrick's Day post yesterday from the one and only "I'm Patrick!!" but no. Not this year.

So, it's my weekend now and I'm debating on whether I should put some time into blogging, or give into the insatiable ITCH I feel even as I type this (and I've only been off work and into the weekend for 15 minutes) to play WoW. I'm level 51 (in about an hour I will be anyways) and I only have another 9 levels til 60. I picture myself taking a vacation from WoW once I hit 60. I played tennis for the first time this year yesterday.

I watched some tennis too. There was a bagpiper and the commentators did what commentators do.

Patrick McEnroe: There's a bagpiper here in honor of St Patrick's day.
Cliff Drysdale: Bagpipes are Scottish!
Patrick McEnroe: Well, today they're Irish...

I love my girlfriend. I love tennis. I love gerbils. I love video games. I love my friends. I love my dad. I love my computer and my bed and my feather pillows and how good sleep feels when you're really sore. Even now, with all the ache in my body, the proximity of WoW...

March 08, 2006

WoW - wHaT a DaY

Today at work was enticingly stressful. SOme of the shit going down... I can't talk about it, of course, but it's kinda like, no quarter asked, despite some given :D For some people, it is just plain impossible to acknowledge a point while being able to maintain a distinctly contrary point to the one presented to them. These feeble half-wits are the bane and glory of my being.

Instead of anything to do with work, I'll share with you a little something I call play:

"Patrick's ongoing conversation with customer support"


Dear Service Provider
My crack dealer,
My friend,

C*** **** (account login "****") has a Product account. However, roughly a month ago, he decided he would no longer like to play the game. With the remaining time on his account, until date, he has allowed my girlfriend to use the account in order to establish whether or not she would like to play Product. She has decided to continue playing, and that's why I'm writing.

I'm aware that account sales are not allowed. However, this is not a sale. As my friend, C*** has decided to relinquish his license to my girlfriend. I believe I read that if all the original materials were handed over from the original license holder to the new player, that the license could be transferred. My girlfriend would like to keep the progress she's made on the new characters she's created rather than start over.

Please note that if there is an issue with pre-existing character transfers, that the only character C*** created was named "****", and that all other chars on his account were created by my girlfriend.

I need information to provide to both parties in order to facillitate this transfer in terms of what steps they'll need to take. Please know that the original owner has already surrendered all the original materials to my girlfriend and its just a matter of getting her on her own payment schedule.

I love Product!

Warm regards,
Patrick Vance
user login: ****



Thank you for contacting Service Provider. Once the key is used and an account is created, that key is permanently tied to that account. In addition, the name listed on an account is considered to be the account's permanent owner. If you have recently acquired a used copy of Product or the details of an account from a friend, please contact the friend this game was acquired through to request an exchange or refund.

Please note that the selling **or transfer** of Product accounts, characters, and/or items is against the Terms of Use - ( Any and all accounts found in violation of these Terms are subject to permanent closure. To avoid any such actions please return this account to the original owner.

If you added your payment information to this account and would like to be sure it is removed, Billing representatives are on hand to take your call Monday thru Friday between 9am and 6pm Pacific Time, at 1-800-**-SERVICE (800-PRODUCT). Customers in Australia should call 1-800-6#s?.

Service Provider highly recommends that our customers purchase unopened, sealed copies of Product to ensure the smoothest experience available. Thank you for you understanding in this matter.


Billing & Account Services

Customer satisfaction is a top priority here at Service Provider, and we would like your feedback on the level of service you have received. Please feel free to provide such feedback at the following web address:


Greeting J***

Please know that I have had my girlfriend (who lives with my aforementioned friend) return the account to the previous owner. The original and only owner, (they're in the middle of a sex/name change right now - big stressful events in his/her life) has decided to resume playing as soon as today. My girlfriend has decided that with your stringent policy on account ownership, she no longer wishes to play and will instead check out Competitor since they don't have the paid subscription action.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and have a wonderful day or night answering endless emails.

Patrick Vance.

I had to write to them again when...

Actually J***,

I have an additional concern with the policy statement you pasted and I want to ensure total accuracy.

Your email to Patrick included the following text:

"the selling **or transfer** of Product accounts, characters, and/or items is against the Terms of Use"

Before I begin, I would like to thank you for how helpful you've been in my time of need. As well, I'd like to let you know that I appreciate the double astericking you employed in your email to me to draw attention to the fact that your information had matching information to my subject of transferring.

Please know, that according to the English language, the passage you provided is composed of a blanket activity clause applied uniformly to several items. The following items, according to your statement, or both prohibited from being sold **and** transferred: accounts,characters,items.

I understand by your email that when people transfer items between characters in-product, characters of different and unique account owners, that this is against the terms of service.

Thank you for providing me with that information. I will notify everyone I care about on Product(which is Earth) that the most common use of the feature, to provide a means for people to transfer items, is prohibited according to J*** of Service Provider.

Could you please provide me with a link or means to report characters engaging in this practice. Additionally, is profanity prohibited on the Product? I would like a link or means to report profanity if it is prohibited on the Product as well.

Thank you and best wishes,


March 02, 2006

+5 Fashion Damage

Well, that was cool for a day.

Yesterday my girlfriend got a tattoo of her fishy that I took a picture of. While she was getting that done, I decided to move up to an 8 guage for my earring. I saw this acrylic blue one that was just calling to me. I decide to get it and now my hole is bigger. I was trying to move it around at work, cos man, it was tight in there. I heard this crackling sound and the bead was just falling out and stuff. So I was like, whatever, just leave the bead out, flip the ring up, and make it look like the ring was going thru two holes (Which would be really cool with one of the horseshoe type of earrings). I get home and try to pull the ring thru the hole a bit and it just snaps off before it even moves at all (tight!!). I pull the other half out and bleed. Now I have a silver titanium cos that way, at least I can move it around while my hole adjusts.

Before the break, my fashion damage rating was critting around 150 points, except with Jon who was immune. Jon's vulnerability lies in the fact that it's really easy to

Anonymouse Qwote

Never explain yourself. Your friends don't need it, and your enemies won't believe you.