I'll never stop trying to get what I want.
As long as I don't have what I want I keep my eyes moving to find what I want.
I am a "what-I-want" detector. The investigation of the environment which holds the things I want (for this is purely an external-type reference to one's pursuit model) is a multitaskable ability with the capacity of returns coming from several different locations simultaneously. The ability to correctly appraise value and take the most prudent steps with regard to obtaining the most value from your endeavours The ability to efficiently and effectively manage returns is the ability to grasp happiness.

Let's say there is an ultimate
thing that I could want. I could probably tell when I was in its presence if my detector core melted from overload. The thing I want the most would be the thing that leaves me to want for the least. It would be like a fuse designed to burn out when a maximum threshold is reached. I wouldn't need to check the meter anymore because there would be no current in the function.
But I wonder, would I keep the meter?
Stashed in some shoebox of my mental closet?
Like some just-in-case because I could never really believe?
Would I feel doubt if I should ever recall I owned such a meter once upon a time?
Would I feel freedom if I envisioned such an event before I ever had such occasion to retire such a device?
And there lies the pain, the agony,
the perpetual falling short of omnibliss.
No human can contain it.
I face a struggle to constrain it.
Writhing gnashing always free
freer flying higher than me
yet somehow lost among twisted nothing
particular digital scribe's not bluffing
stopping a second to leave this behind
i could cast a shock and find you're mine
*coming soon*

If you don't throw you won't know
if you could ever make it stall on snow
when you throw it hard enough to find
that the yoyo has no need to unwind
**barber shop quartet: "but willll anywayyyyyYYY"**
Labels: infinigeist